The Future of our Society As It Relate to Primary Education Comparative Analysis of Nigerian Educational System

Education may be regarded as a method of leading people out of ignorance. It is a means of socializing human beings. It involves the brining up of a child in the community and constantly training him to adjust himself to the changing world around him. It is a lifelong process. Education is varied in its content and method as there are different societies in the world. The aim of education varies from time to time and from place to place. What one age cherishes as wisdom may be regarded by another as folly. The aim of education in a country should therefore be a reflection on the national aspiration of the people. This can be based on the experience gained from the past history of the people and their future expectations of themselves.

Fafunwa (1974) cited by Sarumi (2005) stated that for education to be effective, it has to relate to the past, present and future of the society. It has to...

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Education as an Investment

The achievement of efficiency in the provision of education is one of the major concerns of education economists. To this end, this paper highlights some of the major concepts in the economics of education, and how they can be explored to achieve optimal social and private economic benefits from the process of education.

Education means different things to different people. From a generic perspective, it simply means the transmission of knowledge from one person to another or the transmission of knowledge from...

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Be a Partner & Equip a Child

Give children enrolled in public primary schools an excellent start in education. Develop and equip children with the skills, knowledge, qualities and character traits required to make a positive difference in their generation.

Educate a Child